DD Eisenberg: A lifelong child advocate and accomplished journalist, DD Eisenberg was one of the first woman sportswriters in the country, covering local, college and international sports for the Philadelphia Bulletin in the 1970s and 1980s. Eisenberg has served as an anchor for an all sports cable station in Philadelphia and as a feature reporter for an ABC affiliated station. She has devoted most of her life to working with at-risk youth, serving as President of the Board of Big Brothers/Big Sisters Association of Philadelphia. Later when moving to the greater Washington area, she served as an active board member and later as Board President of the Washington Tennis & Education Foundation, offering sports and educational programs to disadvantaged youth. In recognition of her lifelong dedication to children’s advocacy, she was named to the board of the Children’s Defense Fund.
DD helped out at the very first Superhero Monologue workshop in summer 2007 — then showed up every Monday night for a year for what started as the Urban Book Club and gradually morphed into Carnival Arts.