Siren song performance overview
Phase 1 (5 min)
**Snake, Scavenger Birds, and Protestors
Process from 32nd to 33rd Street, chanting
**Scavenger Queen sings “Didos’s Lament” while skeletons dance on Forum rooftop
Vultures stand in windows in back gallery
Shopping carts and Scavenger pedicab arrayed on plaza in front of Forum gallery
** Ton drums yanvalou alone in front of Forum under overhang
**Gueirreros play capoeira in Bazaar courtyard
**Siren Court performs “Manga-Bolo” on porch in front of Bazaar
Phase 2 (5 min)
**Bel Kongo boat, singers, dancers, and drummers in 2 pedicabs
Process from 32nd to 33rd Street
**Scavenger Birds and Protestors process down 33rd Street to plaza behind Forum Gallery
Scavenger Queen and skeletons descend from roof of Forum through gallery to plaza
Vultures exit gallery and loiter with shopping carts on plaza behind Forum gallery
**Snake dances yanvalou while Ton Ton drums in front of Forum under overhang,
**Gueirreros play capoeira in Bazaar courtyard
**Siren Court processes from Bazaar to Garage and takes passenger elevator to roof
Phase 3 (5 min)
**Bel Kongo
Boat bearers rest boat in front of trees, flank dancers in front of forum
Singers stand on stairs in front of forum and sing
Dancers perform in front of forum
Drummers exit pedicabs and perform Kongo alongside Ton Ton
2 pedicabs park in loading dock in front of forums
**Snake slithers west on 33rd to plaza behind forum to join Scavengers
**Scavenger Queen leads procession to 34th sit back to Collins singing “Dido’s Lament”
Gets in pedicab
**Gueirreros play capoeira in Bazaar courtyard
**Siren Court performs “Manga-Bolo” and other songs on roof of garage
Phase 4 (5 min)
**Bel Kongo
Boat bearers process with boat around plaza in front of forum, set boat down near sculpture, follow group
Dancers, singers, drummers process down 33rd to plaza behind forum
Singers stand on stairs in front of forum and sing
pedicab drivers help carry drums
Chastity leads procession behind pedicab east on 34th Street singing gospel “Dido’s Lament”
**Snake follows
**Gueirreros watch from Bazaar courtyard entrance, then chase Scavengers to Collins
**Siren Court performs “Manga-Bolo” and other songs on roof of garage
Phase 5 (5 min)
**Bel Kongo
Dancers, singers, drummers perform on plaza behind forum
pedicab drivers go to loading dock and ride cabs west on 34th to plaza to pick up drummers
Boat bearers return to boat, going down 34th Street
**Gueirreros chase Scavengers down Collins, followed by Snake
Phase 6 (5 min)
**Scavenger Queen in pedicab leads procession down Collins to stairs in front of Bazaar
Protestors line up in front
Shopping carts roll up ramp
**Gueirreros go down alley between Bazaar and Forum then down alley to 35th Street
**Snake follows
**Siren Court performs “Manga-Bolo” and other songs on roof of garage
Phase 7 (5 min)
**Bel Kongo : Boat bearers lead procession east on 34th Street, North on Collins
**Scavenger Queen sings “Dido’s Lament” on stairs in front of Bazaar
Chastity leads gospel “Dido’s Lament”
**Bel Kongo passes, Scavengers chase them down Collins and around corner to 35th Street
**Gueirreros emerge from alley onto 35th Street
**Siren Court enters auto elevator
Phase 8 (10 min)
**Battle between Scavengers and Gueirreros
**Gueirreros sing maculele songs
**Scavenger Queen cheers from pedicab
**Snake provides barrier around Bel Kongo
**Singers extend barrier with their banners
**Sing “Kongo aide’m Krye”
**Siren Court descends auto elevator
Phase 9 (5 min)
**Siren Court emerges from auto elevator
**Scavengers and Gueirreros freeze
**Scavenger Queen’s pedicab whirls around
**Siren Queen vs. Scavenger Queen face off
**Siren Queen wins, Scavenger Queen retreats behind Scavengers
Phase 10 (10 min)
**Siren Queen court leads procession east on 35th Street, north on Collins to 36th
**Bel Kongo follows, Singing “La siren la balen”
**Gueirreros follow singing maculele songs
**Scavengers last: protestors quietly chant; Vultures, skeletons and Queen quietly sing “Remember me”