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Spiffing Up Old Masks

To get ready for the closing party of the Carnival Arts exhibit on Thursday, April 11, at the Miami International Airport, the Carnival Arts crew spiffed up old masks and tried them on. Singing and drummer performed by Catelus “Ton Ton” Laguerre, master Haitian drummer, who will lead a workshop at the opening party. Barry […]

Damian Rojo

Cuban-born visual and performance artist and videographer Damian Rojo has exhibited his work extensively across the United States and abroad since 1984, in venues such as the Bas Fisher Invitational and Locust Projects in Miami; the American Visionary Art Museum, Baltimore; the Modern Primitive, Atlanta; Domestic Settings, Los Angeles; and the Now Gallery in New […]

Carlos Ochoa

Born in Huacho, Peru, Carlos Ochoa is a photographer, journalist, and musician. He graduated from San Marcos University in Lima, Peru with a degree in social communications and audio visual production. He worked as a journalist and photographer in newspapers and magazines like La Republica and Cambio in Peru. Ochoa studied classical and Andean guitar […]